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Radiofonia FM - Main. Słuchaj radia online

Słuchaj darmowych stacji radiowych online na antenie bez rejestracji

Radiofonia FM - Main Based in Krakow, Radiofonia FM has been mixing up the local media scene since 2009. Staffed with volunteers, their program reflects the glowing enthusiasm shared by the team, moving swiftly from the cutting edge of bass music to the outer reaches of jazz like only true fans can. Fittingly, their birthday bashes are adventurous affairs, serving artists like Rob Swift + Mista Sinista from The X-ecutioners and The Bug to the local punters. With a strong involvement in the local lice scene between birthdays, they are a vital part of the Krakow scene on and off the airwaves.
Region: Polska, Kraków

Jakość: 128 kbs |

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